Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Duncan: 44 Weeks Old

This smiley little boy is 44 weeks old today!

He's growing like a weed and is such a fun dude to hang out with. He's had a great week of antics and celebrated a happy 10 month day with his first trip to the zoo!

Duncan is such a goofball. He's been doing all sorts of hilarious things lately to crack us up. While he's on the changing pad getting a diaper, he likes to flip his bib up over his face and wait for us to say, "Where's Duncan? Where's Duncan?" then we flip the bib back down and say, "There he is!!" It cracks him up and cracks us up and then he flips it back up and repeats the game over and over. It's so funny! It is fantastic that he discovered this game, too, because it keeps him from trying to roll around and escape during diaper changes. :)

He also likes to laugh through his nose like he is scoffing in an unimpressed matter at something funny. It's so funny to see and here him do it and I wish that I could capture it on video but I never seem to be ready when he's doing it. He reminds me of a grumpy old man scoffing condescendingly. LOL I'll have to try to catch him on video so you can see what I'm talking about.

His hair continues to be crazy wild since it has gotten longer. The left side of his head always seems to be sticking straight up like the top of his head or out to the side while the right side lays fairly flat. I think it's the way he sleeps, but I'm not sure. It's pretty awesome though. He looks like a mad scientist!

This week, his Granddad Tony stayed with us for a couple days and he just loves his Granddad! He loved having breakfast with Granddad in the morning and showing off all of his new skills to him at night. He especially loved the Granddad fed him Cheerios one by one so he didn't have to do it himself. They are good buds. :)

Duncan also had his first trip to the zoo over the weekend and it was a lot of fun! He didn't seem to care too much for the animals (although he stared at every seagull that walked by), but he did like to watch all the people activity going on. We had lunch there and enjoyed a fun afternoon of strolling around the exhibits. I love the zoo so I was happy to finally get back to it. It's been a long time since our last visit. We'll be making many more trips there, so I'm excited about that!

We've had lots of park outings this week as well, so it's been great! Gotta take advantage of the nice weather when we can get it. :) Apparently, now that Duncan is no longer afraid to crawl through the grass, his favorite game at home is also his favorite game at the park: kicking & chasing his blue ball. It's so cute to watch him. He'll play this game forever all by himself. :)

He's been much better at playing (getting into trouble) by himself during the day so that's been very nice! I've been able to catch up on chores, photo uploads, and emails. LOL But honestly, it's a lot more fun to play with Duncan!

Wow, we had a busy week! It was loads of fun, though. :) Hope everyone had a fun week, too. We'll catch you all next week!


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