Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Duncan: 42 Weeks Old

Duncan is 42 weeks old today!

I can't believe it's August already and I really can't believe Duncan's going to be 10 months old soon. He is turning into such a big boy WAY too fast it seems. It has been so much fun watching him learn & grow this week. He's so amazing!

Early in the week, he shocked us both with this little number right out of the blue:

It was absolutely the BEST!! I was laughing & crying uncontrollably and I think Matt was the same when I messaged it to him. This kid hasn't made ANY sort of sounds that are even close to words EVER then out of nowhere, he starts barking out some YA YA's and DA DA's! He is full of surprises! :)

He's mastered this business of pulling himself to stand up against everything in the house, cruising around, and he's ALSO mastered sitting down again! Yay! Finally! So we are back to having good naps during the day and I don't have to go in to help a screaming Duncan sit down anymore. Thank goodness!

Duncan is such a good eater! He's eats a ton of food at each meal and doesn't even flinch at any new foods we've introduced him to. This week, he's eating things like egg yolks, mushrooms, cheddar cheese, ditalini pasta (doesn't like picking them up though), green beans, ground beef, roasted chicken, and he even had a few bites of my dim sum BBQ pork steamed bun one day. He was diggin' that and was mad that I only let him have a few bites. :)

He is so curious about everything lately and is always "inspecting" things by leaning his head to the side this way then that way to look at them. He also does this to get us to look at him and make eye contact. He is so funny! He did this to me today while I was trying to take a photo of him:

He's starting to understand so many things we say or ask him! He understands words like milk, water, up, and many of his favorite foods (like "puffs"). My favorite is when I ask him, "Duncan, do you want to read a book?" He always stops whatever he's doing, looks at me, then goes to the shelf to drag his books out. He just LOVES reading books. We spend a lot of our day reading and rereading his favorites by his demand. This week, he's been addicted to the Easter books that Auntie Heather and Logan got him. Over and over and over again... It's cute, but geez... Six or seven times in a row? Haha!

Such a silly kid! He's been much better at playing by himself sometimes during the day so I don't have to sit right next to him the entire time. That's been nice! I love him to death, but I gotta get stuff done around here during the day! :)

We've had a laid-back week and it's been nice to get some chores done. We did get out for a nice walk over the weekend and our friend, Joe, came over for dim sum and playtime on Sunday. He loves to see how Duncan's grown since he was last over. Duncan made sure to entertain Joe with many of his best tricks. :)

It has been such a joy to watch this little guy grow up each and every week. I don't know where my little baby has gone but I don't have time to miss him while I'm chasing around this new little person all day! Haha!

We'll see you all again next week. In the meantime, feel free to check out our photo site, T.M.D. in San Francisco that I've FINALLY gotten around to updating. :)


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