Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Duncan: 22 Weeks Old

I'm 22 weeks old today! How is that even possible? I'm growing up so fast! It seems like just yesterday, I was still pooping in diapers. Oh wait, that's because I was.  :)

I've had a pretty good week, but this last week has been a rough one for Mommy. She's been sick! I think I gave her my RSV bug but with the added bonus of a fever. Sorry, Mommy! I seem to be completely over my RSV today and I'm back to doing that screeching thing that I love. And blowing raspberries! No more wheezing, coughing, and snotting up the place. Thank goodness!

Daddy was such a big help and stayed home from work on Friday to take care of me so that Mommy could rest. Good thing he was home because her fever reached 102 that afternoon and she was out for the count! Then he spent the weekend cooking and doing chores and playing with me 24/7! Thanks, Daddy. :)

Needless to say, it's been a laid back week of recovery and just plain old rest for us. Mommy did, however, find time to update the blog for me since we were so behind. This is like the sixth post this week! So aside from my 5-month onesie shoot, Mommy hasn't had too much time or energy for taking many pictures this week. Today, however, we had some fun tummy time so she just couldn't resist taking some shots of yours truly:

Hope you all had a fun day like I did! I'll be back again next week!


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