Wednesday, August 31, 2011

32 weeks

Dear Duncan,

I still like to think of you fondly as The Blueberry sometimes but it seems like a lifetime ago since we were 6 weeks along.  I can't believe that we're 32 weeks today!  The books say that you are roughly the same weight as the average jicama.  That sounds not as cute as "The Blueberry" so thankfully, we have given you a real name.  :)  You are growing so fast and before we know it, you're going to be here. (Secretly, I can't wait!!).

You've had the hiccups several times now and it is always entertaining to us.  It feels funny to me from the inside and it's even funnier to see my belly moving on the outside to the rhythm of your hiccups.  I think I might really miss that once you are born!

Today, you and I went to the first of our weekly non-stress tests.  Next week, Daddy will be able to join us, too!  He missed out on seeing you on the ultrasound and listening to your heart rate on the fetal monitor today.  I loved it.  We're being monitored weekly so that they can make sure that you have enough amniotic fluid and are getting enough oxygen.  From what the nurse said at today's test, everything is absolutely fine and you are doing great!  You didn't disappoint and gave her a good series of movements just like she wanted and your heart rate did exactly what it was supposed to be doing whenever you moved or were still.  So all is well!!  I couldn't be happier.  We must be doing something right, so I won't complain too much about my weight gain and "cankles" and such...  (Note that the picture I am using for this is NOT a current one of my chunky self, but rather my favorite photo that Kate took at the baby shower).  On today's ultrasound, I got to see your face, spine, one long leg sticking out to cause be discomfort underneath my right ribs, AND your cute little head with a ton of fuzzy hair!!  How cool is that?  Your Daddy was so proud to hear that you have hair!  It was pretty cute.  :)

I sure am enjoying being pregnant with you and you seem to be doing pretty well.  I could do without the constant craving for sweets, but I guess I can't have it all...  :)  I can't wait to meet you, though, and am so looking forward to being your Mommy.  I hope I do a good job.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Tam, you and Matt are going to be GREAT parents. You already are and don't even know it. Love the posts and letter to sweet baby Duncan. Can't wait to see him! - Kate
