Monday, September 26, 2011

Where did the last month go?!

I guess we were busy! Preparing for baby is a lot of work, but we're just about there. It's getting exciting!

There's been some more progress in the nursery this month and the decor is almost complete. But for all intents and purposes, it is fully stocked and ready with all necessary care items for Baby Duncan should he decide to arrive early. That's all that really matters, really. Walls and windows are secondary, I suppose. :)

So here are some more pictures of what we've done.  Enjoy!

For cute cuddlies...

...& cute letters made by Auntie!
...& bottles in the night...
...& she made these blocks, too!
The owl came all the way from
Nova Scotia!

Auntie Heather's handmade
letters are mega cute! Love the
colorful additions to the room!!

The prints I found on Etsy
are finally up!
Seriously... SO adorable!!
"D" is for Dog
"G" is for Giraffe

"W" is for Whale

So clearly... I'm a little obsessed with the boy's initials. But there are worse things in life! :) All the cute letters & blocks that Heather made for Duncan are just too cute to resist, so I couldn't help but display them all. The added touch of bright colors to the room are just what I was looking for and they worked perfectly with the cute cuddly toys we received from the shower, so the display shelves came together without much effort. I love that the colors work with the fun and whimsical Etsy prints, too!

A couple more things to hang on the wall, a name decal for over the crib, and something to go atop the window and we should be done. Simple, comfortable, oh-so-cute!

~ Tam


  1. How Sweet! You are getting so close! I know the excitement is building right along with Duncan's body and your belly. No more belly shots? sigh, by now you are using him as a table. Ha Ha. I hope you are feeling well and all goes smoothly. Let me know!

  2. Hi The Donna!! :) I have been a total slacker on belly photos this month, but hope to get one up today that I will have Matt take today. How's THAT for customer service!? Miss you!

  3. Read your newest blog. Good luck and happy birthing!
    Love the picture. Thanks Matt.
