Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Duncan: 32 Weeks Old

My darling little boy is 32 weeks old today! Seriously, where does the time go? He is growing so fast and doing all sorts of big kid things. What a fun week we had!

Chores were out the window this last weekend. Instead, we went out for walks, lunches, and some marina sunshine!

Lunch outside at Picnix Bistro
Gorgeous walk around The Palace of Fine Arts
Swan family at The Palace of Fine Arts
Lunch & a stroll at Crissy Field
What a great day!

Duncan is sitting and standing on his own pretty well this week. He's standing against the couch and sitting to play for longer stretches without tumbling over. He's even reaching forward or sideways for toys and then pulling himself back into sitting position today! It's as if he just decided to figure it out overnight. :)

This week, he's not eating like a starving baby dinosaur anymore (at least during lunch time). He actually gets full! And today, he decided he doesn't like bananas anymore. Hmmm... He used to love them! I guess we'll try to sneak them back into the menu in a couple weeks. Although that didn't work with avocados. ;)

The sleep schedule is awesome these days and I keep my fingers crossed that it stays that way. Duncan seems to think he doesn't need the late afternoon nap anymore so we've been adjusting to only 2 naps a day. Some days are better (i.e. less grumpy in the afternoon) than others. Otherwise, he still naps pretty well and sleeps a solid 9 to 11 hours at night. Hooray for us!!

Best baby ever these days, that Duncan. Makes awesome faces, too:

AND has no shame baring his chubby legs in a romper while playing in the jumperoo:

Hope everyone is having a great week! The wind is trying to blast us off the coast the last few days, so we are making the most of the great indoors. Duncan sends lots of hugs & kisses!


1 comment:

  1. OMG! He is awesomely fantastic. So so cute. What a good boy to sleep so well.
