Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Duncan: 29 Weeks Old

Dear Duncan,

You are 29 weeks old today and crazy as all get-out! :) You've been scrunching up your face when you smile this week and it's the cutest! You have such a funny personality already and it has been so much fun watching you interact with your grandparents. You sure love having them here to play with you everyday!

They sure enjoy being apart of all these awesome milestones you're reaching. It's been an awesome week for all of us!

You are an awesome eater, buddy! You chow down everything you're given. Even if you don't like something, you still swallow it down with a disgusted face then open your mouth for the next spoonful. It's pretty cool and funny! :) You've tried zucchini and turkey this week. You love the zucchini! The turkey, not so much:

Other fun things you've been doing this week:

-  You finally remembered how to roll from tummy to back again. You
    figured out that it gets you from point A to B very quickly. Now you
    do it all the time! Yay!
-  You've learned that your stacking cups can be played with in multiple
    ways. You like to roll them and watch them roll back to you. And you
    like to hold one in each hand & smash them together super loud!
-  You sometimes making "umm umm" sounds after every bite during a
    meal. It's cute!
-  You are learning that reaching your arms out towards someone will
    get that person to pick you up. If that person doesn't pick you up,
    you tend to get really angry. This is not fun, but it's still something
    you've learned. :P
-  Snapping the elastic on your pants so that it hits your diaper bottom
    cracks you up! You laugh so hard!
-  You're moving toys from one hand to the other all the time now. You've
    got some good hand eye coordination, for sure!
-  You say "Ba" a lot, which is cute because it's Vietnamese for "Dad."
    Daddy is pretty happy about that!
-  You are using a sippy cup! You still need to figure out how to tip it up
    on your own to get water, but with just a little help, you really love
    drinking from it!

You are such a character, Duncan. Your endless array of funny faces just crack us up! Not to mention that your hair is totally AWESOME!

You are an absolute joy, my little Duncan. I'm so glad that you're grandparents have had this time with you. It's been so fun for all of us! You are the BEST little dude. Thanks for being so good. Love you more than you could ever know, buddy.


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