Thursday, April 12, 2012

Duncan: 6 Months Old

"6" onesie made by: Bev

My sweet little boy is 6 months old today. Where did the time go?! It seems like it was just yesterday that you were wiggling around in your moses basket, doing nothing more than nursing, crying, & pooping. Well, you still do the nursing and pooping, but we've pretty much gotten the crying down to almost nil now that your acid reflux has been tackled and we've got your sleeping needs figured out. Hooray! :)

You are such a happy little guy now, Duncan. You love to smile, giggle, and laugh so much! You are constantly cracking up at silly things we do or say to you. Today, while I was trying to do these onesie photos, you were just cracking up every time I would puff up the pillows to place behind you. It was pretty cute!

Things you love to do:
-  Eating solids! You love your rice cereal, bananas, and most recently:
-  Going for walks in the stroller. You just love to check out the scenery.
-  Reading books with Daddy. You LOVE sitting in his lap and playing with
    the pages. He lets you choose the book you want by laying a few out in
    front of you. You reach for "The Belly Button Book" almost every time!
    It's your favorite!
-  Sucking on your toes. Even when there are socks on your feet!
-  Playing with the Sun toy on your jumperoo. You always squeal with
    delight as soon as you see it!
-  Sleeping on your belly. It doesn't matter how many times we try to flip
    you over, you'll always end up in this position when you sleep. You
    sleep so soundly now that I guess it works for you.
-  Suck on your thumb. Now that you've discovered it, you love it!
-  Touch our faces. You love to put your hands on either side of our faces,
    giggle, and try to put your slobbery open mouth on our noses or chins.
    It's gross but it makes you squeal with delight. :)
-  Try to sit without support. You're not there yet, but you do try and
    it's a pretty cute wobbly mess before the eventual topple!

There's not a whole lot that you don't like these days, which is really awesome. You are such a good little baby and it's been so much fun being your Mommy. You are the light of my life, silly punkin! I love you more than you could ever know.



  1. My nephew is SO DARN CUTE!! Love the hair! Miss that little guy!

  2. It won't be long til you are chasing after him as he crawls around and starts to stand. I love your accounts of his exploits. You sound exactly as happy as I know you are. I love you and your family. Keep up the great work of rearing a fantastic human.

  3. I don't remember which
    onsy I did, do you? He sure looks cute in them. Heather had a great idea.

  4. I went to by month and found I did the number 1 so I somehow missed that photo. Soooo cute.
