Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Duncan: 26 Weeks Old

Another Wednesday, another week older. Tomorrow, I'll be 6 months old! Holy moly! I am getting to be such a big boy!

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! My awesome cousin Logan got me new books that I love to read with Daddy and my sweet Auntie Heather got me the CUTEST bunny ears hat and tail to wear for Easter. I just love those guys! Mommy went a little crazy with the photo-taking...

This week has been another great week for us! I've had some more MAJOR achievements and LOADS of fun:

1.  I'm sleeping without a swaddle now! Yup, just me, my sleep sack, and a whole lot of freedom to roll around, sleep on my belly or my side, play with my sleep-sacked feet, talk to my hands, pound my fists on the mattress, knock on the crib railing... It's endless fun! Then after about 10 or 15 minutes of endless fun, I'm fast asleep. :)

2.  I'm officially sleeping through the night! I'm pretty consistent with my schedule now, so I go to bed at 7:30pm-ish, wake up to nurse at 3:00am-ish, then I sleep until 7:30am-ish. Mommy LOVES this schedule and she is SO happy in the mornings! Even if I wake up outside of these times during the night, I'll just talk to myself or play/fuss for a little bit, then I fall back asleep. Sometimes, I guy just needs to have some alone time to figure things out, you know?

3.  I'm sucking on my thumb! I do it pretty often now, but if Mommy has the camera aimed at me, I pop that sucker right out of my mouth before she can get a photo taken. It drives her nuts. I think it's funny. :) I still like to suck on all my fingers and my entire hand still, too.

4. I had my first lunch at the park! It was a gorgeous Easter weekend, so we spent it enjoying lunch at our favorite parks. I got to eat my rice cereal while watching dogs, kids, and bicyclists go zooming by and I loved it! I was especially a hit with the ladies on Easter when I wore my bunny ears. :)

Well, if that wasn't enough fun for ya, come back tomorrow when Mommy will post my 6-month onesie photos. She is always so excited to put me in my monthly onesies! I'll probably do my best to not sit still while she tries to take pictures. It'll drive her crazy and just cracks me up! Maybe I'll make this face:

That should go over well. Haha!


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