Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Duncan: 34 Weeks Old

This little man is 34 weeks old today and has 2 whole teeth! Wow! I'm not sure if his two upper teeth are coming in, too, but I think so. He won't let me get to them to verify, so only time will tell. In the meantime, the bottom two are pretty darn cute and any toy that can be chewed on is still very popular. :)

We tried out the teething biscuits this week, too, but he's not too fond of them. So Daddy ended up eating it instead! Haha!

Duncan's been a total trooper about this teething business and has been less clingy this week. Thank goodness for that! I can actually get chores done during the day again which means more time for play & fun outings on the weekends (or on Daddy's day off)!

A walk along Ocean Beach

View of the Pacific

Reading time with Daddy!

Out for lunch & shopping downtown!

Another milestone: Duncan has figured out how to sit up from hands & knees on his own! Yay! On Sunday, after we got home from a shopping trip, he was trying on his new hat and I got him sitting up on video! :)

Courtney was in town over the weekend and spent Saturday with us. We took her to the Marina and the Palace of Fine Arts for a walk, lunch, & ice cream cones. Then it was back to our place for hang-out time, nap for D-man, and dinner. It was a really fun day for all of us!

Chocolate-dipped cones are MESSY!

This week, I've started giving him small pieces of whole foods to eat whenever I'm snacking on something (like steamed broccoli, fresh mangoes, and sauteed spinach) and he's been really good at mashing them up in his mouth and eating them. He's not into picking foods up by himself yet, but he likes having them fed to him. :) Here's some footage of him eating broccoli pieces:

Next week, this little dude turns 8 months old! It's going by so fast. Where did my tiny little baby go?!

Good thing we've got a stash of Logan's old t-shirts on hand since Duncan is outgrowing all of his clothes. I see more shopping in our future. :)


1 comment:

  1. Goodness, I miss this little face! I love seeing him in the little rocker tee. :)
