Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Duncan: 16 Weeks Old & Matthew: 35 Years Old

Today is a double whammy! I turned 16 weeks and it's Daddy's birthday! Check it out, we could be twins:

This day was all about Daddy and I helped Mommy make it a special day for him. Ok, mainly I just played quietly and was a good baby while Mommy made cupcakes today, and while Mommy got Daddy's presents wrapped earlier in the week.

Being good pays off because my Grandmom sent Daddy a birthday package and there were presents for me, too! I so rock.

Happy Birthday, Daddy! I hope you had an awesome day. I had the best time opening presents with you (i.e. supervising you from my Captain's chair). Love you lots, Daddy!!

Hey! I have feet!

Mommy apologizes for the blurry shots, but there was a lot of action going on! We forgive her, and she promises to do a better job next time. :)


1 comment:

  1. Dear Tam & Matt, duncan's story is the cutest thing I ever read. The pictures are so sweet and you are so good at catching just the right moment and describing it so I see the whole intent. I love what you are doing with this site. Thanks
    Happy B-day Matt & Duncan (Doughnut). :)
    Love Donna
