Monday, June 20, 2011

... a little over 21 weeks

So over the last couple of weeks, Baby Boy Gaddis has been training for the Olympics in my belly. There is a lot of movement going on almost everyday and it sometimes catches me by surprise (usually late at night while I'm relaxing on the couch). It's pretty amazing!

Matt and I spent the weekend shopping for baby stuff and picking out paint colors for the nursery. It was pretty exhausting! I should have taken a picture of him with the Baby Bjorn baby carrier that I tried out on him. It was too small and he looked uncomfortable and funny as hell. :) But we've got the colors narrowed down for the nursery and we (Matt) should be well into our (his) painting chores during the 4th of July weekend. We treated ourselves to a fantastic Sunday dinner out in the Russian River Valley in a small town we love called Healdsburg, about an hour and a half north of the city. Matt took a few belly photos while we were walking to the restaurant and I was able to salvage the one below from the many that he took (most were blurry, some didn't even have my belly in them, etc.).

I am confident that he will get the hang of this whole photography thing in the next 4 months.  Or at least figure out that belly photos are supposed to have my belly in them (not just half of it). Or he is fired.

We're off to Denver this weekend so maybe I'll have some more photos to post! :) Also, nursery progress photos will be coming in the following weeks. Let's hope it goes smoothly!

What baby registry item would you say was the one that you found most useful? Which was the least useful? I'm sure you'll have more than one, but I am a little overwhelmed with the amount of things to register for, so any input would be greatly appreciated!

~ Tam

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Wait until he's bigger and he does a somersault or kicks your belly and you can see the jab - it's the best!!! :) I loved feeling Logan move. There are lots of nursing items that were super useful, but I'll spare you the details on those. :) Probably the baby item that was the most useful was a really good swaddling blanket. He outgrew most of the receiving blankets in weeks. The nice swaddling blankets are large. And the swaddle was the best thing ever! OK, maybe the swing, but that was borrowed. Logan had his first full night of sleep in the swing at 8 weeks - by accident because your brother fell asleep on the couch. :)
